Following the implementation of our product as an intervention in the classroom, we requested respondents to complete a product feedback form via a link. The majority of them agreed this product is unique and provides a new learning experience for them. They also agreed that The Cursed Rooms helped them comprehend adjectives for feelings better. 

    Thus, we focused on making improvements on a few feedbacks. For illustration, we upgraded our question banks to provide diversity in questions asked. We also prepared several levels of difficulty for students because we believe that rather than satisfying our own desires, we should scaffold students to their learning needs. This is especially true for low-performing students, as their desire to learn must be piqued in order to keep them engaged in the learning process.

    To sum up, SGDT4013 Technology and Innovation in Education is a very good course to be taken by future educators. The course addressed the application of technology and creativity in a classroom setting, and it did assist me in being ambitious and experimenting with various types of technology on the internet. Furthermore, through Dr. Ain's lectures and my classmates' innovations, I gain new knowledge on a wide range of technologies and innovative ideas. It also encourages me to push myself and work out of my comfort zone in educating my future students.

    Lastly, I hope my team's innovation sparks inspiration and arouses creativity and enthusiasm among us, PGDE students intake 2022/2023 (prospective educators), as much as my classmates' innovative ideas inspire and motivate me. 

Thank you for reading my personal journal!

ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕


  1. Replies
    1. Hi sis! Looking forward to your Roda Cemerlang! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

  2. rasa macam baca blog influencer! In shaa Allah bakal guru cemerlang ni. Game yg sgt2 menarik dan di luar jangkaan! Good job Syah✨👏🏻

    1. omg Nad's comment hahaha😂 Your game product also blows my mind. Really looking forward to your product presentation nanti🤩


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